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# users on fall arrest
# users on fall restraint
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750.00, 30.00, 48.00 - Safety
2 items

Hatch Railing Complete Kit with 48 x 48 Hatch Rail Gate Included
The Hatch Railing Complete Kit by Tie Down is your comprehensive solution for meeting fall protection standards and enhancing safety around roof and floor openings. This “best in class” out of the box system eliminates the hazard of exposed sides of ground openings. This lightweight guardrail system provides floor opening fall protection for anyone working in or around dangerous gaps on walking and working surfaces. OSHA 1910.23 requires guardrail protection around exposed openings on any walking and working surfaces. If not protected properly, citations and injury could occur. The Hatch Railing Complete Kit is made of metal and coated with our proprietary Safety Yellow coating. Utilizing our aluminum drop in fittings, installation time is within minutes. The self-closing gate is manufactured with a heavy-duty spring, ensuring continuous closure of the hatch gate. The pipe ends and tops feature a plastic fitting. The bolts and washers are 3/8” x 2-1/2” grade Z, zinc plated. Tie Down Safety maintains high standards and quality controls using quality raw materials and component parts made in the USA.

BigFoot Non-Penetrating Mobile Fall Protection System Supports 3 Workers
The newest addition to Tie Down's mobile fall protection line, Big Foot offers even easier portability while allowing work on concrete, TPO, and EPDM. This lightweight series provides fall arrest for one person and an additional two in restraint. With a gross weight of 750 lbs., nearly half the weight of the Squatch, Bigfoot includes a jacking feature for easy mobility and handling, printed instructions, and hoist rings for lifting. Available in both a USA model and a Canadian model, this non-penetrating mobile fall protection system complies with OSHA 1926.502 and ANDI/ASSE Z359.6-2009(D).
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